Thursday, July 3, 2008

Questions for Condos

9 Questions to Ask The Condo Association

When you buy a condo, you join an association of owners that determines everything from whether to plant flowers in the courtyard to how to finance a major roof project. Before you buy, contact the condo association with the following questions. In the process, you'll learn how responsive-and organized-its members are!

1. What percentage of units are owner-occupied? What percentage are tenant-occupied? Generally, the higher the percentage of owner-occupied units, the more marketable the units will be at resale. (And be FHA approved)

2. What covenants, conditions, bylaws, and restrictions govern the property? Is there a grandfather clause in place? You may find, for instance, that those who buy a property after a certain date can't rent out their units, but buyers who bought earlier can. Ask for a copy of the bylaws to determine if you can live with them.

3. How much does the association keep in reserve? How is that money being invested?

4. Are association assessments keeping pace with the annual rate of inflation? Smart boards raise assessments a certain percentage each year to build reserves to fund future repairs. To determine if the assessment is reasonable, compare the rate to others in the area.

5. What does and doesn't the monthly homeowner assessment cover?? The common area maintenance, recreational facilities, trash collection, insurance, cable TV, internet, water, snow removal?

6. What special assessments have been mandated in the past five years? How much was each owner responsible for? Some special assessments are unavoidable. But repeated, expensive assessments could be a red flag about the condition of the building or the board's fiscal policy.

7. How much turnover occurs in the building?

8. Is the project in litigation? If the builders or homeowners are involved in a lawsuit, reserves can be depleted quickly.

9. Is the developer reputable? Find out what other projects the developer has built and visit one if you can. Ask residents about their perceptions of the development.

A final note: Remember to play nice. When you buy into a condo building or homeowners association, you join a group with a variety of personalities and agendas. Negotiation and cooperation are key to living in harmony.

Sources: Kim Daugherty, Coldwell Banker Gundaker, St. Louis, and