Let's take a look back in History! I think everyone is forgetting how times used to be just 3-8 years ago!!!
Consumers only hear the negative news. Even others in my industry are saying how bad the market is. But we have agents in our Coldwell Banker office who are experiencing their most profitable year yet!
I did some checking and according to our MLS statistics in Utah County we are selling about as many homes in the same amount of time that we did in 2004... just 4 years ago!! And before that we were selling LESS than we are selling now!!!
Here are the actual numbers:
September 2008 sales: 433 Days on the market: 87 (Election year)
September 2007 sales: 400 Days on the market: 53
September 2006 sales: 644 Days on the market: 39
September 2005 sales: 662 Days on the market: 70
September 2004 sales: 468 Days on the market: 79 (Election year)
September 2003 sales: 428 Days on the market: 81
September 2002 sales: 367 Days on the market: 86
September 2001 sales: 280 Days on the market: 88
September 2000 sales: 289 Days on the market: 95 (Election year)
September 1999 sales: 316 Days on the market: 84
What happened??? Well, home sales went up 50% in a year and that only lasted for two years!! Now they are back down to 'normal'! Do you see the pattern during Election years? There were less home sales the year before and after election years!
The market is doing just fine. Buyers are buying and sellers are selling. Buyers are getting loans. Sellers are lowering their prices to more affordable price tags and then finding they can buy a lower priced home too.
I am looking forward to 2009 because 2008 was great. The market is stabilizing. The elections will be over. The economy is stabilizing. Utah is growing. Jobs are available. All is well.